The three of us on TOK have participated in many contests across the fan fiction world, which has also branched off into the original fiction world, even to the point of winning some of them. Being so experienced... why not host our own? So, here we have the TOK contests.
Finally, we're ready to announce our first one-shot contest's theme! So here we go!
Theme: Not All About The Romance Contest
Twilight is all about romance and relationships, the love triangle of Edward, Bella and Jacob, but what about family and friendship? Aren't they important? In this contest, we want to see one-shots based off non-romantic relationships, like the relationship between Alice and Bella going shopping or between Leah and Seth coping with their father's untimely passing, in a way that doesn't involve any romance.
Submissions open on Saturday, December 10th, 2011 and close on Tuesday, January 10th, 2012
Voting opens on Saturday, January 14th, 2012 and closes on Saturday, January 21st, 2012
1. This is anonymous contest and to remain anonymous, please don't tell anyone about which story is yours or hint to it or post it outside of the contest. If you use a beta please make sure you alert him/her of the anonymity. Once the contest is over, you may post wherever you choose.
2. Send your entries to, with "One-Shot Contest Entry" in the subject bar with the header below in your message and at the top of your document's first page add the following:
Not All About The Romance Contest
Pen Name:
Link to FF.Net Profile:
Word Count:
Twitter Link (if applicable):
3. Entries must be at least 1,500 words with a maximum of 20,000 words. These are one-shots remember not novels.
4. We are accepting all ratings, but forbidding lemons just for the time being. You can maybe reference them, but this isn't a romance o/s contest so they are off-limits.
5. No outtakes, references or original characters from other fan fics are allowed, but an OC can be allowed as long as it is truly original.
6. No alternate universe, all-human or non-canon one-shots.
7. Must be from the Twilight fandom.
8. All one-shots MUST be beta'd, whether it be yourself or someone else. If you don't have a beta, we recommend SparklyRedPen for an emergency beta. If an entry is sent in with glaring grammar and spelling errors, it will be sent back for revision.
People's Choice Winner: The winner you've chosen through our public poll. They will receive a special banner made by Lauren of Icy Afterlife, a feature of their one-shot on the TOK blog and the author interviewed by one of the Three.
Judges' Choice Winner: The winner all us judges have chosen. They will receive a special banner banner made by Lauren of Icy Afterlife, a feature of their one-shot on the TOK blog and the author interviewed by one of the Three
Honorable Mentions: Through discussion of the second place winners, we will award two honorable mentions who will receive banner made by Timmy aka LBB as well and a feature on the TOK blog too.
All submissions will be posted there so you can access them anytime!
We hope to see you there!
The Three